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Exploring OpenAI API Models: Which One Is Best for Your ChatGPT for WordPress Plugin

OpenAI has been at the forefront of artificial intelligence (AI) research and development, providing developers with powerful API models to enhance their applications. With different OpenAI API models available, it’s essential to understand their unique capabilities and determine which one best suits your needs. In this article, we will explore the different OpenAI API models integrated into the advanced settings of our OpenGraphy plugin (ChatGPT for WordPress) and provide examples of results from each model to help you make an informed decision.


GPT-2 is an earlier version of OpenAI’s Generative Pre-trained Transformer models. While it’s not as advanced as the newer GPT-3, GPT-2 can still generate coherent and contextually relevant text. It is suitable for simple content generation tasks but might not be ideal for more complex and nuanced applications.

Example: Prompt: “What are the benefits of using WordPress?” Result: “WordPress offers a user-friendly interface, a vast library of plugins and themes, easy customization options, and a strong community of developers and users.”


GPT-3 is the third iteration of OpenAI’s transformer models and offers significant improvements over GPT-2. With its advanced capabilities, GPT-3 can generate highly coherent and contextually relevant text. It’s an excellent choice for a wide range of content generation tasks, from generating article ideas to writing full-length articles, making it a popular choice for users of the ChatGPT for WordPress plugin.

Example: Prompt: “What are the benefits of using WordPress?” Result: “WordPress is a highly versatile content management system that offers numerous benefits, including ease of use, extensive customization options, a vast ecosystem of plugins and themes, robust security features, and a supportive community of developers and users.”

OpenAI’s GPT-3 model comprises several powerful engines, each with varying capabilities and performance levels. These engines, named Da Vinci, Curie, Babbage, and Ada, cater to different content generation requirements, allowing you to optimize your experience with the ChatGPT for WordPress plugin. In this article, we’ll explore the distinct features of each engine and provide examples of their results, helping you determine the best choice for your needs.

  1. Da Vinci: Da Vinci is the most advanced and capable GPT-3 engine, offering the highest level of comprehension and creative text generation. It excels at handling complex tasks, such as content synthesis, reasoning, and problem-solving. Da Vinci is suitable for generating high-quality, nuanced content for your WordPress site.

Example: Prompt: “Explain the benefits of a content-first design approach.” Result: “A content-first design approach prioritizes the creation and organization of content before the visual design elements are considered. This approach offers several benefits, including improved user experience, better search engine optimization, and a more efficient design process. By focusing on content first, designers can create layouts that effectively communicate the message, enhancing user engagement and driving conversions.”

  1. Curie: Curie is a step below Da Vinci in terms of capability but still offers excellent performance for most content generation tasks. It is particularly useful for tasks requiring creative input, such as ideation, summarization, or writing. Curie is an ideal choice for users seeking a balance between quality and cost-effectiveness when using the ChatGPT for WordPress plugin.

Example: Prompt: “Explain the benefits of a content-first design approach.” Result: “The content-first design approach emphasizes the importance of developing and refining content before diving into visual design. This method offers various advantages, such as improved usability, better SEO performance, and streamlined design workflows. By focusing on content first, designers can ensure that the message is effectively conveyed and create designs that truly resonate with the target audience.”

  1. Babbage: Babbage is a more cost-effective option than Curie and Da Vinci, offering decent content generation capabilities for simple tasks. It is a suitable choice for users who require basic content generation without the need for deep comprehension or creative input. Babbage works well for straightforward tasks using the ChatGPT for WordPress plugin.

Example: Prompt: “Explain the benefits of a content-first design approach.” Result: “Content-first design is an approach that focuses on creating content before working on visual design. This method has several benefits, such as better user experience, improved SEO, and a more efficient design process. By prioritizing content, designers can create designs that effectively communicate the message to users.”

  1. Ada: Ada is the most basic and cost-effective GPT-3 engine, ideal for simple content generation tasks that don’t require high levels of comprehension or creativity. It is an excellent option for users who need straightforward content generation and are looking to minimize costs while using the ChatGPT for WordPress plugin.

Example: Prompt: “Explain the benefits of a content-first design approach.” Result: “A content-first design approach focuses on developing content before designing visuals. Benefits of this approach include better user experience, improved SEO, and a more efficient design process. By concentrating on content, designers can create designs that communicate the message effectively.”

The OpenAI GPT-3 engines – Da Vinci, Curie, Babbage, and Ada – cater to a wide range of content generation needs. By understanding their unique capabilities, you can make the most of the ChatGPT for WordPress plugin, ensuring that you generate the best quality content for your audience while optimizing costs.


It’s OpenAI’s Pioneering Leap in Deep Learning Scalability.

GPT-4 is the most recent breakthrough in OpenAI’s ongoing mission to scale up deep learning. GPT-4 is a sophisticated multimodal model that processes both image and text inputs and generates text outputs. Although it may not surpass human abilities in all real-world applications, GPT-4 demonstrates human-level proficiency across a range of professional and academic benchmarks.

GPT-4 Capabilities

When engaging in casual conversations, the differences between GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 might appear subtle. However, as the task complexity increases, GPT-4’s superior reliability, creativity, and ability to interpret nuanced instructions become evident.

To accurately compare GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, OpenAI conducted extensive testing using various benchmarks, such as simulating exams initially designed for humans. OpenAI utilized the latest publicly available tests, including Olympiads and AP free-response questions, or procured 2022-2023 editions of practice exams. No specific training was conducted for these exams. Although the model encountered a small portion of the exam problems during its training phase, we believe the results are representative of its capabilities. For a more detailed analysis, please refer to the technical report of OpenAI on the API platform.


ChatGPT is a specialized model fine-tuned for conversational AI applications. It’s designed to generate more interactive and engaging responses in a dialogue format. ChatGPT is an excellent choice for users looking to create dynamic and engaging content with the ChatGPT for WordPress plugin, particularly for Q&A sections, chatbot interactions, or interactive content.

Example: Prompt: “What are the benefits of using WordPress?” Result: “User: What are the benefits of using WordPress? ChatGPT: Some of the key benefits of using WordPress include its user-friendly interface, a vast library of plugins and themes, extensive customization options, strong security features, and a supportive community of developers and users.”


Codex is OpenAI’s model fine-tuned specifically for generating programming code. It’s particularly useful for developers looking to integrate code snippets, tutorials, or technical explanations into their content. With the ChatGPT for WordPress plugin, users can leverage Codex to generate code-related content and provide valuable insights for their developer audience.

Example: Prompt: “How to create a custom WordPress shortcode?” Result: “To create a custom WordPress shortcode, follow these steps:

  1. Add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file or a custom plugin:
phpCopy codefunction my_custom_shortcode($atts) {
  $atts = shortcode_atts(
      'content' => 'Default content',

  return '<div class="my-shortcode">' . esc_html($atts['content']) . '</div>';
add_shortcode('my_shortcode', 'my_custom_shortcode');
  1. Replace ‘my_custom_shortcode’ and ‘my_shortcode’ with the desired names for your shortcode function and tag.
  2. Customize the function and attributes as needed.
  3. Use the shortcode in your WordPress posts or pages by adding [my_shortcode] or with custom content like [my_shortcode content="Custom content"]

Each OpenAI API model offers unique capabilities that cater to various content generation needs. While GPT-3 is a popular choice for diverse content creation tasks, ChatGPT excels in generating interactive and engaging dialogue. Codex, on the other hand, is ideal for generating programming-related content. By understanding these differences, you can make the most of the advanced settings in the ChatGPT for WordPress plugin, ensuring you generate high-quality, relevant content for your audience. By default, we offer GPT3 with Da Vinci model.

The ChatGPT for WordPress plugin currently support all the GPT-3 API Models. We are on the waitlist for this upcoming API launch.

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